In the maritime transport, the Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) has been developed into a complex computer-based ship critical operational technology system, playing central roles in the safe ship navigation and transport. While ECDIS software maintenance is regulated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) ECDIS performance standards and related circulars, underlying software and […]
Automatic Annotation of Narrative Radiology Reports
Narrative texts in electronic health records can be efficiently utilized for building decision support systems in the clinic, only if they are correctly interpreted automatically in accordance with a specified standard. This paper tackles the problem of developing an automated method of labeling free-form radiology reports, as a precursor for building query-capable report databases in […]
MESOC is a Research and Innovation Action designed to propose, test and validate an innovative and original approach to measuring the societal value and impacts of culture and cultural policies and practices, related to three crossover themes of the new European Agenda for Culture: 1) Health and Wellbeing, 2) Urban and Territorial Renovation and 3) […]
Project for Career Development of Young Researchers – Training of New Ph.D.s, mentor: Marina Ivasic-Kos
As part of the Young Scientists Career Development Project, a post-doctoral position has been approved for four years to participate in the RAASS project and to do its doctoral dissertation under the mentorship of Assoc. Marinas Ivasic-Kos
ICCT – Interactive course for control theory
The main goal of this ERASMUS+ project is to develop an online interactive course and the underlying web-oriented platform, with the purpose of offering smooth integration of the control theory related contents. A partnership of four universities is established, so as to cover various aspects in the project implementation (mechanical engineering, manufacturing, electrical engineering, and […]
Improving the Performance of Dynamic Ship Positioning Systems: A Review of Filtering and Estimation Techniques
Various operations at sea, such as maintaining a constant ship position and direction, require a complex control system. Under such conditions, the ship needs an efficient positioning technique. Dynamic positioning (DP) systems provide such an application with a combination of the actuators mechanism, analyses of crucial ship variables, and environmental conditions. The natural forces of […]
Structural Analysis of Factual, Conceptual, Procedural, and Metacognitive Knowledge in a Multidimensional Knowledge Network
Discovering the most suitable network structure of the learning domain represents one of the main challenges of knowledge delivery and acquisition. We propose a multidimensional knowledge network (MKN) consisting of three components: multilayer network and its two projections. Each network layer constitutes factual, conceptual, procedural, or metacognitive knowledge within the domain of databases as a […]
Active Player Detection in Handball Scenes Based on Activity Measures
The scientific article “Active Player Detection in Handball Scenes Based on Activity Measures” by M. Pobar, M. Ivašić-Kos was published in open access in the journal MDPI Sensors, in the special issue “Advanced Computational Intelligence for Object Detection, Feature Extraction and Recognition in Smart Sensor Environments ”, Sensors 2020, 20 (5), 1475 and is available […]
Netokracija on WiDS 2020
Netokracija on the participation of AIRI members Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić and Marina Ivašić Kos in Women in Data Science 2020 conference in Zagreb.
WiDS Conference 2020
Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić participated in the round table on past, present and future of data science at Women in Data Science Conference 2020 in Zagreb from 04-05.03.2020.