The paper presents an effective solution for improving power system state estimation performance by applying the intersection of confidence intervals (ICI) algorithm, a state-of-the-art adaptive signal processing technique used in signal denoising. Since many power utilities worldwide still run state estimators based on the weighed least squares (WLS) algorithm using supervisory control and data acquisition […]
Kristijan Lenac held an invited lecture at CUC2018 Conference
Kristijan Lenac held an invited lecture “What is blockchain and why is it important?” at the Carnet User Conference on 22nd of November 2018. in Šibenik, Croatia. The lecture presented an introduction to the blockchain technology with the focus on its applications and impact on society.
Blockchain uses in navigation systems
Kristijan Lenac held a plenary talk at the International Navigation Conference 2018 in Bristol, England on 12th of November 2018. In the invited lecture “Blockchain uses in navigation systems” Kristijan described the blockchain technology and discussed its current and future uses in navigation systems.
International Cooperation in Computer Science
CEEPUS network “International Cooperation in Computer Science”, CIII-HU-0019-14-1819, (2018-ongoing) The project is conducted at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka (
Analytical implementation of Roe solver for two-layer shallow water equations with accurate treatment for loss of hyperbolicity
A new implementation of the Roe scheme for solving two-layer shallow-water equations is presented in this paper. The proposed A-Roe scheme is based on the analytical solution to the characteristic quartic of the flux matrix, which is an efficient alternative to a numerical eigensolver. Additionally, an accurate method for maintaining the hyperbolic character of the governing system […]
A Network for Gravitational Waves, Geophysics and Machine Learning
The breakthrough discovery of gravitational waves on September 14, 2015 was made possible through synergy of techniques drawing from expertise in physics, mathematics, information science and computing. At present, there is a rapidly growing interest in Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), classification problems, data mining and visualization and, in general, in the development of […]
Making a Living in the “Gig” Economy: Last Resort or a Reliable Alternative
Modern work arrangements in the collaborative or ‘gig’ economy challenge and redefine traditional work patterns. Extensive scholarly writings in the last years have been dedicated to revealing the true nature and implications of such work, and this topic is a matter of heated debates. However, empirical research on the prevalence of ‘gig’ work is still […]
Image Processing, Information Engineering & Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange
CEEPUS network “Image Processing, Information Engineering & Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange”, CIII-AT-0042, is dedicated to connecting researchers in the field of computer science and signal processing with medical experts. RITEH is a partner in the project from 2018.
WTS – Waste Tracking System
The main goal is to study the available technologies for digitally signing the documents used for tracking the waste from source to the complete disposal and to provide recommendations for a solution aimed at minimizing the cost while maximizing the ease of use and practicality of the solution.
Invited talk at SSIP 2018
Ivan Štajduhar gave a lecture titled “Hands-on Guide to Machine Learning Application” at the 2018 Summer School on Image Processing (SSIP) in Graz, Austria, on July 18, 2018.