In this paper, we present an approach to the reconstruction of signals exhibiting sparsity in a transformation domain, having some heavily disturbed samples. This sparsity-driven signal recovery exploits a carefully suited random sampling consensus (RANSAC) methodology for the selection of a subset of inlier samples. To this aim, two fundamental properties are used: A signal […]
Presentation of prof. S. Martinčić-Ipšić and prof. Ana Meštrović
Prof. dr. sc. Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić and prof. dr. sc. Ana Meštrović held an interesting talks on 31st of March, 2021 presenting their work in the field of applications of artificial intelligence to natural language processing and social network analysis. Recording of the presentations:
Summer School on Image Processing, 8-17 July 2021, Rijeka, Croatia
29th Summer School on Image Processing – The annual gathering of researchers and professionals dealing with image analysis and machine vision. Rijeka, Croatia, 8-17 July 2021.
Post covering our latest research published online
A news post has been published online about our latest published research regarding AI modelling of nanoscale friction.
Featured article about our research
An article about our research has been published on portal concerning nanoscale friction modelling using AI.
News published about our research
An article about our research has been published on ScienceX portal.
XAOM: A method for automatic alignment and orientation of radiographs for computer-aided medical diagnosis
Background and objectives: Computer-aided diagnosis relies on machine learning algorithms that require filtered and preprocessed data as the input. Aligning the image in the desired direction is an additional manual step in post- processing, commonly overlooked due to workload issues. Several state-of-the-art approaches for fracture detection and disease-struck region segmentation benefit from correctly oriented images, […]
AIRI razvio RIMaP – digitalnu inovacijsku platformu za umrežavanje
Intenzivnija suradnja s lokalnim gospodarstvom jedan je od prioriteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci. U suradnji s Regionalnom razvojnom agencijom PGŽ, sveučilišni Centar za umjetnu inteligenciju i kibernetičku sigurnost razvio je Regionalnu inovacijsku platformu RIMAP s ciljem povezivanja i prijenosa znanja između akademske zajednice, privatnog te javnog sektora. U okolnostima pandemije kad su fizički susreti ograničeni, digitalne […]
Artificial intelligence-based predictive model of nanoscale friction using experimental data
A recent systematic experimental characterisation of technological thin films, based on elaborated design of experiments as well as probe calibration and correction procedures, allowed for the first time the determination of nanoscale friction under the concurrent influence of several process parameters, comprising normal forces, sliding velocities, and temperature, thus providing an indication of the intricate […]
Rule-Based EEG Classifier Utilizing Local Entropy of Time–Frequency Distributions
Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are known to contain signatures of stimuli that induce brain activities. However, detecting these signatures to classify captured EEG waveforms is one of the most challenging tasks of EEG analysis. This paper proposes a novel time–frequency-based method for EEG analysis and characterization implemented in a computer-aided decision-support system that can be used […]