The Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) plays a central role in safe navigation of ships. The ECDIS is basically a software package running on a general operating system that could be comprised of the third-party components. This paper presents an analysis of cyber security weaknesses of a shipboard ECDIS raising from the ECDIS […]
Automatic Music Transcription for Traditional Woodwind Instruments Sopele
Sopela is a traditional hand-made woodwind instrument, commonly played in pair, characteristic to the Istrian peninsula in western Croatia. Its piercing sound, accompanied by two-part singing in the hexatonic Istrian scale, is registered in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This paper presents an insight study of automatic music transcription […]
Sustainable Construction of Artificial Gravel Beaches – Construction of New Beaches and an Increase of Existing Capacity (BEACHEX)
A scientific project conducted by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb with the Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University that has been fully supported by the “Research Cooperability“ Program of the Croatian Science Foundation funded by the European Union from the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020.
Brain Computer Interface Based Communicator for Persons in Locked-in State
Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) are devices that use brain signals for control or communication. Since they don’t require movement of any part of the body, BCI are the natural choice for assisted communication when a person is unable to move. In this article, BCI based communicator for persons in locked-in state is described. It is […]
Invited talk at the Institute of Informatics in Szeged, Hungary
On November 28, 2019, Ivan Štajduhar gave a talk titled “Machine Learning for Medical Imaging” at the Institute of Informatics in Szeged, Hungary, presenting the current research activities of the group.
Assessing ship cyber risks: a framework and case study of ECDIS security
The growing reliance of the shipping industry on information and communication technologies places a high premium on cyber risk management. The International Mar- itime Organization has imposed improvement of the approved safety management system of ships by incorporating the cyber risk management no later than the first annual verification of a shipping company’s document of […]
Human Machine Interface: Interaction of OOWs with the ECDIS system
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is a computer maritime navigational system providing support to Officers Of the Watch (OOW’s) in the execution of main navigational tasks. According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the primary scope of ECDIS is a contribution to navigation safety. The system represents an inevitable path towards paperless vessels […]
Invited talk at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics, J. Selye University, Komarno, Slovakia
Invited talk on “Applications of Computer-Aided Signal Processing” by Assis. Prof. Jonatan Lerga, PhD, at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics, J. Selye University, Komarno, Slovakia, was held on 17th of October, 2019.
Invited talk at the 7th Conference on Information Theory and Complex Systems (TINKOS 2019), Belgrade
Invited talk on “Local Entropy Measures with Applications in Biomedicine” by Assis. Prof. Jonatan Lerga, PhD, at the 7th Conference on Information Theory and Complex Systems (TINKOS 2019), Belgrade, Serbia, was held on the 15th of October, 2019.
A Study on Cyber Security Threats in a Shipboard Integrated Navigational System
The integrated navigational system (INS) enhances the effectiveness and safety of ship navigation by providing multifunctional display on the basis of integration of at least two navigational functions, the voyage route monitoring with Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) and collision avoidance with radar. The INS is essentially a software platform for fusion of […]