Intenzivnija suradnja s lokalnim gospodarstvom jedan je od prioriteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci. U suradnji s Regionalnom razvojnom agencijom PGŽ, sveučilišni Centar za umjetnu inteligenciju i kibernetičku sigurnost razvio je Regionalnu inovacijsku platformu RIMAP s ciljem povezivanja i prijenosa znanja između akademske zajednice, privatnog te javnog sektora. U okolnostima pandemije kad su fizički susreti ograničeni, digitalne […]
U Rijeci radi Centar za umjetnu inteligenciju, već su u prvoj godini rada povukli šest milijuna u 14 projekata
Financiranje projekata dobiveno je kroz Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, Hrvatsku zakladu za znanost, COST akcije, bilateralne i potpore Sveučilišta, a riječ je o, primjerice, projektu koji se bavi komunikacijom putem društvenih medija u vrijeme koronakrize ili pak projekta strojnog učenja za prijenos znanja u medicinskoj radiologiji: više u Novom listu…
UNIRI Excellence Awards in Science
We are proud to announce that 6 of 10 of the UNIRI Excellence Awards in Science are received by scientists connected to the AIRI Center. List of awards is as follows:1. Assoc. prof. dr. sc. Ivan Štajduhar – 1st place in technical sciences1. Prof. dr. sc. Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić – 1st place in social sciences2. Assist. […]
Talk on conference “Exploring Digital Legal Landscapes”
Jonatan Lerga held a talk at the conference “Exploring Digital Legal Landscapes” on 11th of December, 2020 on “Labor Market Trends Leading to Establishing the Center for AI and Cybersecurity in Rijeka”.
ICAIH 2020 conference presentation
Ivan Štajduhar gave a talk titled “The reach and limitations of machine intelligence” at the Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Humanities (ICAIH 2020), co-organised by the Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea and the University of Rijeka.
International conference “Exploring Digital Legal Landscapes” – 11th of December, 2020
Join our online international conference “Exploring Digital Legal Landscapes” organized by Faculty of Law – University of Rijeka, Inter-University Centre of Excellence Opatija, and Center for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity (AIRI) with the support of the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung via online platform CISCO Webex on 11 December 2020. More on the program here. To join click here.
Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić talk the Data Science Conference
Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić talked on 19th of November 2020. about the prospects for studying Data Science at the University of Rijeka at Data Science Conference 2020 (link).
Marko Perčić held an presentation on “Applications of Machine Learning in Experimental Tribology”
Dr. sc. Makro Perčić held an interesting presentation on “Applications of Machine Learning in Experimental Tribology” with the presentation of his recent scientific research in the field of nanometrics experimental tribology with application of ML.
Nino Krvavica held an interesting presentation on “Is There a Place for AI in Civil Engineering?”
Assit. prof. dr. sc. Nino Krvavica held an interesting presentation on “Is there a place for AI in civil engineering?” with the presentation of his recent scientific work and open problems in civil engineering which can be solved using ML.
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2020)
Alen Salkanović presented a paper titled “Floating Hierarchical Menus for Swipe-Based Navigation on Touchscreen Mobile Devices”, at the 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2020). As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference could not be held physically (originally scheduled for Copenhagen, Denmark) and was transformed to a virtual format instead.