We are proud to announce that 6 of 10 of the UNIRI Excellence Awards in Science are received by scientists connected to the AIRI Center. List of awards is as follows:
1. Assoc. prof. dr. sc. Ivan Štajduhar – 1st place in technical sciences
1. Prof. dr. sc. Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić – 1st place in social sciences
2. Assist. prof. dr. sc. Jonatan Lerga – 2nd place in technical sciences
2. Assoc. prof. dr. sc.Ana Meštrović – 2nd place in social sciences
3. Prof. dr. sc. Saša Zelenika – 3rd place in technical sciences
3. Assoc. prof. dr. sc. Marina Ivašić-Kos – 3rd place in social sciences