The growing reliance of the shipping industry on information and communication technologies places a high premium on cyber risk management. The International Mar- itime Organization has imposed improvement of the approved safety management system of ships by incorporating the cyber risk management no later than the first annual verification of a shipping company’s document of […]
Laboratory for Cybersecurity of Communication and Navigation Devices
A Study on Cyber Security Threats in a Shipboard Integrated Navigational System
The integrated navigational system (INS) enhances the effectiveness and safety of ship navigation by providing multifunctional display on the basis of integration of at least two navigational functions, the voyage route monitoring with Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) and collision avoidance with radar. The INS is essentially a software platform for fusion of […]
Maritime Cyber Risk Management: An Experimental Ship Assessment
The maritime transport industry is increasingly reliant on computing and communication technologies, and the need for cyber risk management of critical systems and assets on vessels is becoming critically important. In this paper, a comprehensive cyber risk assessment of a ship is presented. An experimental process consisting of assessment preparation activities, assess- ment conduct and […]