Digitalization, development, and processes of creating a multimedia digital platform ‘Zaspal Pave’, created in cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Rijeka and the county cultural institutions ‘Institution Ivan Matetic Ronjgov’ with the aim of creating a knowledge base and digital representation of the musical cultural heritage of the Northern Adriatic.
Laboratory for Digital Technologies in Researching Cultural Complexity
People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492-1923)
People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean, or PIMo, explores common forms of displacement and dispossession across the Mediterranean from the fifteenth century to the present. With a focus on people – and the ideas, objects, and writing that accompanied them – our goals include evaluating the ways and degree to which these […]
Distant Reading for European Literary History
Grounded in the Distant Reading paradigm (i.e. using computational methods of analysis for large collections of literary texts), the project creates a shared theoretical and practical framework to enable innovative, sophisticated, data-driven, computational methods of literary text analysis across at least 10 European languages. Fostering insight into cross-national, large-scale patterns and evolutions across European literary […]