The subject of this project is compound flooding in coastal areas due to high sea and river levels. Compound flooding is a global research priority due to the increasing occurrence in the context of climate change. The problem of compound flooding in coastal rivers is challenging because of a complex interaction between several factors, including tidal oscillations, storm surges and river flows. The project team, led by Nino Krvavica, consists of experts from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Center for Artificial Intelligence. The project aims to improve the understanding of compound floods and assess their hazards for the Neretva River. Planned activities include the collection of hydrological data, analysis of the joint probability of sea level and river flow, development of machine learning models for predicting water levels, development of a numerical surface flow model and assessment of flood hazard. Expected scientific contributions include the compound flooding potential and a preliminary assessment of flood hazard in the Neretva River, as well as a methodological framework for future assessments of compound floods in Croatia. These project objectives and activities are in line with the University of Rijeka’s 2021-2025 Strategy, including scientific productivity, international recognition, collaboration with industry and doctoral education. They are also in line with the research strategy of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, especially in terms of scientific productivity, collaboration and increasing the number of projects. This project offers the opportunity to study an important issue of flooding and its impact on coastal areas, with practical applications in line with the European Floods Directive. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the team and its experience, this project will make valuable contributions to science and society, particularly in the context of climate change and the challenges associated with flooding.