Prof. dr. sc. I. Mareels, Head of the IBM Research Lab of Australia, held an invited speech at the Faculty of Engineering on the “Artificial intelligence – Perspectives: a Brief History, Present Developments, and Future Promises” on the 10th of April, 2019. The event took place at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka (
Embedded systems for 3D perception
The main objective of this project is the scientific and practical analysis of a distributed embedded system for 3D perception targeted for people and object tracking through the efficient implementation of new algorithms optimized for execution on embedded systems. The project will enable the mobility of the researchers, ensure continuous research, foster the dissemination of […]
Distant Reading for European Literary History
Grounded in the Distant Reading paradigm (i.e. using computational methods of analysis for large collections of literary texts), the project creates a shared theoretical and practical framework to enable innovative, sophisticated, data-driven, computational methods of literary text analysis across at least 10 European languages. Fostering insight into cross-national, large-scale patterns and evolutions across European literary […]
Algorithm-supported, mass and sequence diversity-oriented random peptide library design
Random peptide libraries that cover large search spaces are often used for the discovery of new binders, even when the target is unknown. To ensure an accurate population representation, there is a tendency to use large libraries. However, parameters such as the synthesis scale, the number of library members, the sequence deconvolution and peptide structure […]
Local-Entropy Based Approach for X-Ray Image Segmentation and Fracture Detection
The paper proposes a segmentation and classification technique for fracture detection in X-ray images. This novel rotation-invariant method introduces the concept of local entropy for de-noising and removing tissue from the analysed X-ray images, followed by an improved procedure for image segmentation and the detection of regions of interest. The proposed local Shannon entropy was […]
Invited talk at the Institute of Informatics, University of Szeged, Hungary
Invited talk on “Data-Driven Adaptive Filtering with Applications” by Assis. Prof. Jonatan Lerga, PhD, at the Institute of Informatics, University of Szeged, Hungary, was held on the 20th of March, 2019.
Digital transformation of society: Legal aspects
Digitalisation transforms and accelerates not only the ways of doing business, but also the ways of thinking. Unprecedented interconnectedness and access in the cyberspace, where everything is available at the touch of a finger, give rise to many issues concerning the transfer and impact of new technologies from the digital world on social relations in […]
Support Vector Machine State Estimation
The power system state estimator based on the support vector machine (SVM) and the weighted least squares (WLS) method is presented in the paper. The WLS provides state estimations necessary for creating SVM model which is then used for state estimation. The developed algorithm was tested on the IEEE systems, and the performance indicators were […]
Development of machine-learning-based techniques for illness and injury detection in medical images
Clinical decision-support systems are often built by manually gathering, formalising and implementing specialist knowledge. Therefore, they are limited by existing human knowledge concerning modelling clinical conditions, diagnosis and therapy, and can be inaccurate because of variations and complexity inherent to medical data. In order to circumvent these limitations, following an obvious growth of publicly available […]
QR Code Alternative – Increased Storage Capacity for Offline Transfer
Research on QR code alternatives with goal of increasing code storage capacity. The project is conducted at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka (