Institution: University of Rijeka, Department of Biotechnology
Our Center Will Contribute to the Development of Innovative Companies, Products and Services
Knowledge-based Approach to Crowd Analysis in Video Surveillance
Recently, one of the most active research area in computer vision is crowded scene analysis. A crowd can be defined as a mass of people or large group of individuals gathered in the same physical environment. Crowd modelling, crowd scene analysis and behavioural recognition are one of most challenging topics in computer vision and more […]
Automatic recognition of actions and activities in multimedia content from sports domain (RAASS)
Multimedia content such as digital images and video have become an important storage and exchange media. A large amount of such content from competitions, games and training sessions is constantly being created in the sports domain, and there has been a great interest for multimedia content analysis among athletes and coaches, on all levels from […]
Nino Krvavica talks about his research for radio station Rijeka
Re-evaluating efficiency of first-order numerical schemes for two-layer shallow water systems by considering different eigenvalue solutions
The efficiency of several first-order numerical schemes for two-layer shallow water equations (SWE) are evaluated here by considering different eigenvalue solutions. This study is a continuation of our previous work (Krvavica et al., 2018) in which we have proposed an efficient implementation of a Roe solver for two-layer SWE based on analytical expressions for eigenvalues […]
ZASPAL PAVE Multimedia Platform of Istrian traditional songs
Digitalization, development, and processes of creating a multimedia digital platform ‘Zaspal Pave’, created in cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Rijeka and the county cultural institutions ‘Institution Ivan Matetic Ronjgov’ with the aim of creating a knowledge base and digital representation of the musical cultural heritage of the Northern Adriatic.
University of Rijeka establishes Center for Artificial Intelligence
The Center as an organizational unit of the University of Rijeka is of great importance for the University, and beyond, as it will stimulate an interdisciplinary approach to scientific work and application of artificial intelligence, transfer of scientific results to the economy, networking of capacities and activities for the popularization of science by building a […]
Applying Machine Learning for the Discovery of Peptides with Catalytic Activity
Institution: Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka Objective: The aim of this project proposal is to build a catalytic activity prediction model for peptides that would drive a smart exploration of huge chemical search space.
AIRI scientists interview @ Novi List
AIRI scientists reveal in interview for Novi list how their paper on Croatian syllabification helped in creating OmoReader application that allows people with dyslexia to read (pdf), 26.12.2019. A. Meštrović, M Matešić and S. Martinčić-Ipšić received “1st Technology Transfer” award, by University of Rijeka Foundation and company Alarm automatika, for the SyllAssist work on the algorithm for Croatian […]