Ivana Kunda

University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
Ivana Kunda is Vice-Dean for Research, Full Professor and the Head of the International and European Private Law Department at the Faculty of Law of the University of Rijeka. Her expertise lays in IP Law and ICT law. She also specialises in private international law and European private law. She is regularly involved in international, EU and national projects. Among her editorial works, she is editor of the Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law (Springer). She is regularly called upon by national and European institutions (e.g. ERA, EJTN) to provide training to judges and legal professionals. Among her professional memberships, she is member of ILA, ATRIP and Vice-President of the Croatian Comparative Law Association. She has received multiple research grants (e.g. Fulbright at Columbia University, GRUR at MPI) and has been a visiting professor at dozen European universities. She has been awarded the University of Rijeka Foundation Award and Faculty of Law in Rijeka Award for Research Excellence.
Author's Projects
Author's Research Papers